G codes and M codes for CNC Lathe (FANUC CONTROLLER)
G codes and M codes for CNC Lathe (FANUC CONTROLLER)
In order to start part programming you have to know the basic codes such as G and M codes.while writing the program the program you have to follow systematic procedure start from understanding the part and then implementing into systematic procedure of writing program using safety guidelines.
G codes and M codes for CNC Lathe (FANUC CONTROLLER)
G00-Rapid interpolation
G01-linear interpolation
G02-circular interpolation (cw)
G03-circular interpolation (ccw)
G09- exact stop
G10-programmable parameter input
G17-XY plane selection
G18-xz plane selection
G19-yz plane selection
G20-programming in inches
G21-programming in mm
G28- return to home position
G40-cutter radius compensation cancel
G41-cutter radius compensation left
G42-cutter radius compensation right
G90-Absolute programing
G91-Incremental programing
G codes and M codes for CNC Lathe (FANUC CONTROLLER)
M00-program stop
M01- optional stop
M02-end of program
M03-spindle ON in cw
M04-spindle OFF in ccw
M05-spindle stop
M06-tool change
M07-mist coolant ON
M08-flood coolant ON
M09-coolant off
M30-end of program and rewind
G codes and M codes for CNC Lathe (FANUC CONTROLLER)